Prediction algorithms typically have at least one user-specified argument that can have a considerable effect on predictive performance. Specifying these arguments can be a tedious task, particularly if there is an interaction between argument levels. This package is designed to neatly and automatically test and visualise the performance of a user-defined prediction algorithm over an arbitrary number of arguments. It includes functions for testing the predictive performance of an algorithm with respect to a set of user-defined diagnostics, visualising the results of these tests, and finding the optimal argument combinations for each diagnostic. The typical workflow involves:
to train and test the prediction
algorithm over a range of argument values. This creates an object of
class testargs
, the central class definition of the
We demonstrate testarguments
using a Poisson regression
example, where the prediction algorithm is the generalised linear model
(GLM) implemented with glm()
First, load testarguments
and simulate training and
testing data. The data is Poisson distributed, with conditional
expectation constructed by passing a fourth-order polynomial function of
a covariate x
through an exponential link function.
RNGversion("3.6.0"); set.seed(1)
n <- 1000 # sample size
x <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = n) # covariates
Y <- 3 + 2 * x * (x - 1) * (x + 1) * (x - 2) # linear predictor
mu <- exp(Y) # mean of data
Z <- rpois(n, mu) # simulate data
df <- data.frame(x = x, Z = Z, mu = mu)
train_id <- sample(1:n, n/2, replace = FALSE)
df_train <- df[train_id, ] # training set
df_test <- df[-train_id, ] # testing set
Next, we define a wrapper function that trains our prediction
algorithm with df_train
and predicts over
. In this example, the arguments that we wish to
test are the link function, and the degree of the
polynomial used to model the conditional expectation; these must be
included as formal arguments in the wrapper function.
pred_fun <- function(df_train, df_test, degree, link) {
M <- glm(Z ~ poly(x, degree), data = df_train,
family = poisson(link = as.character(link)))
## Predict over df_test
pred <-, df_test, type = "link", = TRUE))
## Compute response level predictions and 90% prediction interval
inv_link <- family(M)$linkinv
fit_Y <- pred$fit
se_Y <- pred$
pred <- data.frame(fit_Z = inv_link(fit_Y),
upr_Z = inv_link(fit_Y + 1.645 * se_Y),
lwr_Z = inv_link(fit_Y - 1.645 * se_Y))
Now, we define a diagnostic function, which should return a named vector. Here, we use the root-mean-squared error (RMSE), the mean-absolute error (MAE), and the coverage.
Now we enter the main purpose of the package; to compute the
user-defined diagnostics over a range of argument combinations. This is
done using test_arguments()
, which takes the prediction
function, training data, testing data, the diagnostic fun, and a list of
arguments to test. In this case, we will test the model using a
polynomial of degree 1 to 6, and using the log and square-root link
It is informative to visualise the predictive performance across all
argument combinations; this is done using
Using various aesthetics, plot_diagnostics()
visualise the performance of all combinations of up to 4 different
arguments simultaneously. In the above plot, we can see that the
predictive performance is not particularly sensitive to the choice of
link function. We can focus on a subset of arguments using the argument
. By default, this averages out the arguments
not included in focused_args
The function optimal_arguments()
computes the optimal
arguments from a testargs
object. The measure of optimality
is typically diagnostic dependent; for example, we typically wish to
minimise the RMSE and run time, but we want coverage to be as close to
the purported value as possible. Hence, optimal_arguments()
allows one to set the optimality criterion individually for each
diagonstic rule.
optimality_criterion = list(coverage = function(x) which.min(abs(x - 0.90)))
#> degree link RMSE MAE coverage Time
#> RMSE 4 log 5.559396 4.042814 1.000 0.004
#> MAE 4 log 5.559396 4.042814 1.000 0.004
#> coverage 6 log 5.586129 4.055873 0.862 0.004
#> Time 3 log 6.285981 4.611221 0.150 0.004
In the output, the row names specify the diagnostic that is optimised by the corresponding combination of arguments. We can see that the RMSE and MAE are optimised when the degree of the polynomial function is 4 and the log link function is used; recall that these are the true values. In contrast, the coverage is optimised when the degree of the polynomial function is 6.